Hey! I’m Tim,

I was born in the early seventies. Which makes me a child of the eighties. My young life basically modeled the crew of “Stranger Things”, if you don’t get the reference, it’s outcast kids who stick with each other doing nerdy things such as playing Dungeons and Dragons.

Later in life, I grew to be semi-accepted by the masses due to nefarious shenanigans to say the least. Due to some of those shenanigans, I realized I needed to get my act together and joined the Army.

Ten years into an Army career, this little metal thing came out of the muzzle of an AK-47 and hit me in the back, making me a candidate for early retirement. Which was then followed by a few years working construction as an electrician, which then led to smart homes, which led to an IT career. I’m currently transitioning to cybersecurity over the next year.

In all the other pockets of time, I raise two young girls while my wife works her proverbial arse off (IT jobs let me work from home). I enjoy the outdoors, reading, writing, and watching a movie or show now and again. I also plan in partaking in the arts of gardening and landscaping here in the future.

I grew up Catholic and as a teen proclaimed myself an atheist. After the army and a first marriage, I became a Buddhist and eventually falling into the Baha’i faith. Or maybe it fell into me, that is to be determined. But I try to bring spirituality into my life as much as possible, though I stray frequently.

This site is my place to babble, release my thoughts to the cosmos, and in general bore the hell out of folks. Feel free to stick around
