Why have I not heard of this until today? InCoWriMo or International Correspondence Writing Month sounds to be right up my alley. I love writing letters and there seem to be so few willing to get one, or want to respond to one at least. This is a whole group of folks who want to do just that. 

It seems the idea is just to try to send out a letter every day of the month of February. They also do an address exchange every year for those looking for folks to correspond with. It really seems like a hoot, at least to me.  

I’m late on it this year, not officially in the mix or anything. But I’m going to try to send as much snail mail out as I can this month in the spirit of things. I have a bunch of nice writing paper just sitting and waiting to be used. I will have to run and pick up some stamps. 

If by chance you want me to babble to you with a pen and ink instead of on here, feel free to visit my contact  page and include a mailing address, and I’ll write something to you. If you know I have no clue who you are, go ahead and maybe add some things of interest or even how your week or day has been, so I have something to start with. Oh, and a warning, my penmanship stinks. 
